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Constitution and Bylaws

 Bucknell Student Government


We, the students of Bucknell University, in order to establish a more perfect University, establish justice, ensure campus tranquility, and promote the general welfare of students, do ordain and establish this Constitution for Bucknell Student Government.


Article I: Charges

1.1 To provide a forum for Bucknell students’ concerns, interests, and opinions.

1.2 To provide a means of communicating those sentiments to the University faculty, staff, and   administration.

1.3 To provide activities and services to promote class unity, identity, and spirit, and to justly represent the interests and welfare of class constituencies as a whole.

1.4 To officially recognize student organizations and allocate funding from the Student Activities Fee to them.

1.5 To select all BSG representatives for University committees.

1.6 To represent student interests in all matters involving the general welfare of Bucknell University Students in accordance with BSG’s core values.

Article II: Core Values

2.1 Empowerment

We value the advancement of the student voice to all sectors of the University.

2.2 Leadership

We value integrity, honesty, and ethical decision-making, and strive to cultivate principled behavior.

2.3 Progress

We value a forward thinking populace, which aims for advancement and achievement.

2.4 Collaboration

We value cooperation within the campus community both inside and outside the classroom.

2.5 Inclusion

We value diverse opinions and identities, and strive to cultivate a unified environment that fosters individual growth through collective support.

2.6 Accountability

We value our roles as members of the campus community and understand the commitment we have made to our fellow Bucknellians.

Article III: Qualifications

3.1 Any student enrolled at Bucknell University may attend a BSG Congressional meeting.

3.2 Membership to BSG is open to all full-time Bucknell University undergraduate students.

3.3 Any student wishing to run for an Executive Board office:

  • Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
  • Will have their judicial record reviewed by the current advisor.
  • Must have been enrolled at Bucknell for a minimum of two semesters.

Article IV: Representation

4.1 BSG shall consist of those students elected by the Student Body or appointed by the Congress.

4.2 Elected Executive Board Members shall serve a one-year term based upon the calendar year.

4.3 Senators and Delegates elected during the General Election shall serve a full one-year term based upon the academic calendar set forth by the University.

4.4 Appointed Senators shall serve until the end of the academic year in which they were elected.

Article V: Membership

5.1 Executive Board shall consist of the following offices:

  • BSG President
  • BSG Vice-President of Operations
  • BSG Vice-President of Administration

5.2 The Congressional Senate shall consist of four class congresses totaling 40 Senators.  Each class congress shall consist of the following members:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Seven Senate Members

5.3 The Congressional House shall consist of 20 elected Delegates.

  • 4 Delegates will be elected into the Academic Committee
  • 4 Delegates will be elected into the Advocacy Committee
  • 3 Delegates will be elected into the Community Affairs Committee
  • 3 Delegates will be elected into the Diversity Committee
  • 3 Delegates will be elected into the Sustainability Committee
  • 3 Delegates will be elected into the Student Organization Review Board (ORB)

5.4 A Chief Financial Officer appointed by the Executive Board and Accounts Managers

5.5 An advisor appointed by the Dean of Students

Section I: Elections

5.S.1.1  A candidate running for any BSG office must submit a statement of intent to the Vice President of Operations, which shall be made available to any interested student. If a candidate is running for more than one position, a preference must be indicated within the content of the letter. No candidate may run for more than two offices.

5.S1.2  Running for a BSG Executive Office:

  • Must have been a part of Bucknell Student Government for a minimum of one semester for Executive Vice President positions or one year for Executive President.
    • If no BSG representatives wish to run for Executive positions, candidates may apply through the Election At Large Committee with their qualifications to be considered for candidacy.
  • Must have been enrolled at Bucknell for two semesters.
  • Must participate in scheduled debate/open forum.
  • Must adhere to all guidelines listed below governing congressional candidates.

5.S1.3  Running for BSG Congress:

  • Must attend the general information session.
  • Must sign up prior to the general information session on the designated bulletin board.
  • Must follow campaign guidelines as stated in the Constitution.

Section II: Campaign Guidelines

5.S2.1 Official team accounts/handles and organization accounts/handles cannot advertise or communicate on behalf of a candidate (including but not limited to official Instagrams, emails from the club, and club endorsements).

5.S2.2 Candidates may not spend money on campaigns (free color printing can be performed at the CAP Center)

5.S2.3 Recommended Consequences for Infractions (decisions regarding these consequences will be adjudicated by the Election Committee during the election and the Judiciary Committee in the wake of elections). These recommendations include but are not limited to:

  • Repeat offenders must get harsher punishments, intentional offenders should skip early warnings.
  • Illegal materials must be removed (posters in the wrong spot, etc.)
  • Written warning to be sent to the infringing candidate
  • Probationary period (no new campaign materials for a duration dictated by the Election Committee)
  • Notice of violations on the ballot
  • Removal from election

Section III: Vacancies

5.S3.1  Non-executive vacancies may only be filled at the beginning of the spring semester and otherwise should not be filled mid-term.

5.S3.2  An election will be conducted at the beginning of the spring semester to fill all vacancies.

5.S3.3  At the beginning of the spring semester, all vacated internal committee positions will be filled by the new incoming members.  A total reassignment of internal committees will not occur.

5.S3.4  If the position of class president is vacated, the Vice-President may accept the position.

5.S3.5  If the position of class Vice-President is vacated, the Secretary/Treasurer may accept the position.

5.S3.6. Class Congress executive positions not accepted by the appropriate class executive members will be elected from within the class congress by a majority vote.

5.S3.7  In the case of the Executive President being removed from office, the Vice President of Operations may assume the duties of President and all of its responsibilities if given congressional approval by 2/3 vote.

5.S3.8  In the case of the VP Operations being removed from office, the VP Administration shall assume the duties of VP Operations and all of its responsibilities if given congressional approval by 2/3 vote.

5.S3.9  Executive Board positions not accepted by the appropriate designee or not approved by congress will be elected from within the congress by a majority vote.

5.S3.10  In the event of a VP Administration vacancy the position will be elected from within congress by a majority vote.

Section IV: Injunction and Removal from Office

Item I: Injunction

5.S4.I1.1  Any single member or coalition of members of BSG who attempt an act, presentation, or any other activity in the name of BSG that is in violation of the bylaws, or guidelines of BSG can be forced to have that aforementioned event halted in the following manner:

5.S4.I1.2  If a member of Congress is concerned about a situation where the bylaws or constitution is in question, the Judiciary Committee will look into the issue and give a report.

5.S4.I1.3  The Judiciary Committee is responsible to make a recommendation to Congress with respect to the constitutionality of the action in question.

5.S4.I1.4  Congress has the right to reject the decision at hand by the Judiciary Committee: a 2/3 vote is needed to reject the Committee Injunction.

5.S4.I1.5. If Congress approves of the Judicial Committee decision of injunction by not rejecting it, the action in question is deemed unconstitutional and injunction will take place.

Item II: Removal

4.S4.I2.1  Any student of the BSG Congress, BSG Executive Board, or any other member of the Bucknell Student Government who has been charged with violating or not upholding the Constitution, Bylaws, or guidelines of BSG, including attendance infractions may be removed by one of the following procedures:

4.S4.I2.1.A  A petition bearing the signatures of at least thirty-five percent of the student electorate that has been ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present of the BSG Congress.

4.S4.I2.1.B  For attendance reasons only, the Executive Board may remove members who have violated the Attendance policy, as stated in the Bylaws of BSG.  An appeals process may be moved through the Judiciary committee at the request of the member in question, in which case the Judiciary Committee either affirms or denies the decision of the Executive Board.

4.S4.I2.1.C  A motion of impeachment that is presented and ratified by three/fourths of all the members of Congress.

4.S4.I2.1.C1  During the debate of the motion, both the member who has presented the motion and the defendant for removal, or a representative designated by the defendant, shall have an opportunity to address the BSG Congress concerning the charges of removal.

4.S4.I2.1.C2  During the presentation, debate, and ratification of the removal motion, the Judiciary Committee Chair shall preside over the proceedings.

Article VI: Congressional Voting

6.1  A quorum of 2/3 members is required to pass an amendment, bylaw, resolution or procedural motion

6.2  The Executive Board shall not have a vote on legislation or procedural motions arriving to the floor.

6.3  Members who cannot represent the interests of the student body due to personal obligation or carry a neutrality to a proposed motion must abstain from voting.

6.4  Definition of Amendments, Bylaws, Resolutions & Motions:

6.4.1 An Amendment shall be any resolution proposing a change to the Constitution.

6.4.2 A Bylaw shall be a resolution establishing procedures for the implementation of this Constitution.

6.4.3 A Resolution shall be a suggestion or proposal of an idea and/or concept to BSG.

6.4.4 A Procedural Motion shall be a formal proposal in accordance with the rules established by the Bylaws.

Section I: Passage

Item I: Amendments

6.S1.I1.1  Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to Congress, or by means of a petition addressed to the Congress.

6.S1.I1.2  At a subsequent meeting (within two weeks of introduction of the proposal) of the Congress, with at least two-thirds of the voting membership present, a two-thirds vote in the affirmative of the total membership is required to present the amendment for an all-campus vote.

6.S1.I1.3  The proposed amendment shall be presented for an all-campus vote only if it passes the congressional vote. The proposed amendment must pass the campus vote by at least a majority of 60 percent of voters. All ratified amendments shall become effective immediately.

Item II: Bylaws

6.S1.I2.1  A proposal to pass a new Bylaw shall be presented in a regular meeting of Congress, and voted on at the subsequent meeting.

6.S1.I2.2  Bylaws require a 2/3-majority vote of the members of Congress present to be ratified.

Item III: Resolutions

6.S1.I3.1 Passage of a resolution to give BSG’s endorsement to a document, event, funding request, or idea require a 2/3-majority vote of the members of Congress present (minus abstainers) to be ratified.

Item IV: Motions

6.S1.I4.1  Passage of a procedural motion requires a formal request by a member of Congress, with a seconded request.

Section II: Votes of Confidence

6.S2.1  Any formal recommendations to University administrators or departments made to the University must be taken in front of Congress in which a motion can be put forth for a “vote of confidence.”  A 2/3 vote of the present members (minus abstainers) of Congress is necessary for endorsement.

6.S2.2  Whatever the outcome of the “vote of confidence,” the voting numbers, in addition to comments and details from the discussion, must be published and included in the original document.

Section III: Emergency Electronic Voting

6.S3.1  In the event that there needs to be a resolution consideration before the next meeting of the Bucknell Student Government Congress, the Executive Board may declare that an emergency electronic vote needs to take place.

6.S3.2  Upon declaration by the Executive Board of the need for an emergency electronic vote, the Judiciary Committee shall then convene as soon as possible. The Judiciary Committee shall then determine if indeed an “emergency” is present.

6.S3.3  An “emergency” is when a resolution needs to be considered by BSG Congress before the next official meeting of BSG Congress, where there are no other alternatives other than having an electronic vote before the next meeting, where the resolution in question is extremely important to the general welfare of the student body, where it is predicted that there will not be many dissenting votes from Congress, and where it is in the best interest of the organization to proceed with this “emergency” electronic vote.

6.S3.4  If the Judiciary Committee does believe that the resolution is so dire that it needs to be considered by the Congress as soon as possible, albeit with limited debate, then they can declare that the emergency electronic vote is permitted. If the Judiciary Committee does not declare that the vote is permitted, then the emergency electronic vote shall not take place.

6.S3.5  Upon declaration from the Judiciary Committee that the vote is allowed, the Parliamentarian of BSG shall then send an e-mail to all members of BSG Congress, expressing to them that they should hold an electronic discussion among BSG Congress’ members.

6.S3.6  At least 2/3 of the BSG Congress (quorum) must respond to the vote (not necessarily debate) in order for the vote on said resolution to be valid.

6.S3.7  The Judiciary Committee should establish all other rules for this emergency electronic vote. If the Judiciary Committee establishes that there is too much dissent or questions for debate that should be addressed before the whole Congress, the Judiciary Committee can eliminate the emergency electronic vote.

6.S3.8  A Bylaw or Constitutional Amendment change cannot be an emergency electronic vote.


Article I: Structure

1.1  Congress shall consist of the following entities:

Section I: Congressional Senate

1.S1.1  The Congressional senate shall consist of one Class Congress for each undergraduate class totaling 40 Senators.

1.S1.2  The purpose of the Class Congress is to identify and address the issues that pertain to each class year.

1.S1.3  The Class Congress is responsible for promoting class unity, upholding traditions, and for working on class year specific initiatives.

1.S1.4  Membership of Class Congresses is made up of Senators from each respective class elected before each academic year.

1.S1.5  Each Class Congress shall consist of 10 elected student members (Senators) to represent and voice the opinions of the class.

1.S1.6  Of the elected members, there shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and senators.

Section II: Congressional House

1.S2.2  The Congressional House shall consist of the elected delegates for each internal Congressional Committee totaling 20 Delegates.

  • 4 Delegates will be elected into the Academic Affairs Committee
  • 4 Delegates will be elected into the Advocacy Committee
  •  3 Delegates will be elected into the Community Affairs Committee
  • 3 Delegates will be elected into the Diversity Affairs Committee
  • 3 Delegates will be elected into the Student Organization Review Board (ORB)
  • 3 Delegates will be elected into the Sustainability Committee

Section III: Internal Committees

1.S3.2  There shall be nine (9) BSG Congressional Committees:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Advocacy Committee
  • Community Affairs Committee
  • Diversity Affairs Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Judiciary Committee
  • Public Relations Committee
  • Student ORB (Organizational Review Board)
  • Sustainability Committee

1.S3.2  Membership of Congressional Committees is made up of Senators appointed at the beginning of each academic year by the BSG VP of Operations, with the oversight from the Executive Board, and is made up of the Representatives elected by the student body.

1.S3.3  Committees should not be rearranged mid-semester. In the event that two members wish to change committees, they may make an equal exchange. An exchange may not occur between a Senator and a vacant position. Representatives may not make an exchange under any circumstances.

1.S3.4  Quorum for an internal committee is constituted by 2/3 of the members of that committee present.

1.S3.5  Any resolution/bylaw change originating in an internal committee must pass through the committee with a majority vote of the members present. This vote must be presented to Congress before Congress votes on the resolution/bylaw.

Item I: Committee Chairs

1.S3.I1.1  The Executive Board will make a recommendation to the congress on who they think should be chair.

1.S3.I1.2  During the first congressional meeting of the fall semester, the Executive Board will present their slate for these positions to the congress.

1.S3.I1.3  Congress will vote on each recommendation line-by-line during said meeting. Before each vote, the floor will be open to any members who wish to oppose or endorse the Executive Board’s recommendation.

1.S3.I1.4  If there are opposing members, an election, rather than an approval vote, will be held between the recommended candidate and the opposing candidate(s), where the majority elected member will hold the position of chair.

1.S3.I1.5  If there are no opposing members to the recommendation and congress does not approve the recommendation, all positions will be filled, and the remaining position(s) will be revisited, allowing the floor to reopen for nominations or interested members.

1.S3.I1.6  Anytime throughout the semester, the committee may request to hold a removal vote of the entire congress for their chair, where a 2/3 vote of the congress will result in removal. A new chair from the committee can then be voted in by a majority vote of the committee.

1.S3.I1.7 Committee Chair positions should preferably be filled by an individual elected to the House of Representatives.

Item II: Academic Affairs Committee

1.S3.I2.1  Shall consist of 4 Representatives and 4 Senators

1.S3.I2.2  The purpose of this committee is to handle issues related to faculty, classes, scheduling, curricula, student-professor relationships, and other academically related topics.

Item III: Advocacy Committee 

1.S3.I3.1  Shall consist of 4 Representatives and 5 Senators

1.S3.I3.2  The purpose of this committee is to cover the evaluation, assessment, and improvement of every aspect of student life that is not academically related.

1.S3.I3.3  The Chair of this committee is at all times a liaison between BSG and the student body.

Item IV: Community Affairs Committee

1.S3.I4.1  Shall consist of 3 Representatives and 5 Senators

1.S3.I4.2  The purpose of this committee is to handle issues related to town-gown relations and organizing social events and community service projects for the Congress. The purpose of this committee is to strengthen relationships between the students and the Lewisburg community, thereby improving overall town-gown relations.

1.S3.I4.3  The Committee Chair represents BSG in Lewisburg Borough Council meetings and is also responsible for attending University committee meetings on downtown relations. Furthermore, they must report back to the Committee, to the Executive Committee, and to Congress.

Item V: Diversity Affairs Committee

1.S3.I5.1  Shall consist of 3 Representatives and 5 Senators

1.S3.I5.2  The purpose of this committee is to unite members of Bucknell’s diverse communities and BSG to create a forum charged with identifying key diversity related needs on campus. The committee will further the Plan for Bucknell’s pledge to enhance diversity in all its forms through the co-sponsorship of programs and initiatives that will raise awareness for the various elements that exist on campus which make us diverse.

1.S3.I5.3  The Committee Chair shall be a liaison between BSG, the Multicultural Student Services Office, the Office of LGBT Awareness, the Office of International Education, and the Women’s Resource Center.

1.S3.I5.4  The Chair is responsible for notifying congress of issues and events which are prominent amongst Bucknell’s diverse communities.

1.S3.I5.5  Presidents or designated appointees of clubs falling under the “Diversity” category may be non-voting members of the committee

1.S3.I5.6  The committee chair also has the power to invite any related members of Bucknell’s faculty and staff to participate. Any committee members who are not elected to BSG will have no voting power in Congress.

1.S3.I5.7 The Chair of this committee shall also serve as a Representative for the Committee on Campus and Student Life (CCSL).

Item VI: Finance Committee

1.S3.I6.1  Membership of the committee shall be as follows:

1.S3.I6.1.1  Executive Board of BSG (voting), with the CFO acting as the chairperson (voting member only in case of tie)

1.S3.I6.1.2  Bucknell Student Government Senior Accounts Manager

1.S3.I6.1.3  Three Senators (voting) appointed by the Vice President of Operations

1.S3.I6.1.4  Six Appointed Members (voting) appointed by the CFO through an application process

1.S3.I6.1.5  Bucknell Student Government Junior Accounts Manager (alternate)

1.S3.I6.2  Purpose of the committee shall be as follows:

1.S3.I6.2.1  To formulate, direct, execute, and publish the student budget.

1.S3.I6.2.2  To hear and decide all special requests made by student organizations.

1.S3.I6.2.3  To require all organizations which receive funds from the BSG reserve to keep books or accounts of all funds.

1.S3.I6.2.4  To act as the authority for allocating the student budget.

1.S3.I6.2.5  To order an audit of any student organization receiving money from the BSG Finance Committee.

1.S3.I6.2.6  To appoint an Auditing Committee, under the jurisdiction of the CFO of BSG, to carry out the audits required by the BSG Finance Committee. A representative of the organization may be present during the audit.

1.S3.I6.3  Aside from its regular spring meeting for the formulation of Student Organization Budgets, the committee shall hold regularly scheduled meetings to hear special requests, and to discuss organizational use of the BSG reserve. The Chairperson, at their discretion, shall call meetings at least twice monthly.

1.S3.I6.4  The By-Laws and Guidelines of the BSG Appropriations Committee shall determine all operating procedures not herein stipulated or determined by Congress.

1.S3.I6.5  To call before the committee the treasurer and other representatives of groups that receive funds from the BSG reserve, if it so desires.

1.S3.I6.6  Any congressional request in excess of $3000 shall first have recommendation from the Finance committee.  The committee requesting the funds should then consider the recommendation of the Finance committee.  The committee may then decide to proceed or not proceed with the request for the funds.

1.S3.I6.7  All vacancies on this committee must be filled within two weeks. If a Senate position is vacated, it must be filled by a Senator who is reassigned from their designated internal committee by the Vice President of Operations. If an appointed position is vacated, it must be filled by a new appointee.

Item VII: Judiciary Committee

1.S3.I7.1  Shall consist of the Executive Committee members

1.S3.I7.2  The purpose of this committee is to focus on the internal functions of BSG, providing ongoing interpretation, maintenance, and improvement of all BSG documents.

1.S3.I7.3  This Committee shall strive to follow the constitution in conjunction with its original intent and language.

1.S3.I7.4  The Committee is also responsible for initiating Injunction procedures as stated in Article V, Section III of the Constitution, as well as Recall and Removal procedures, should the need arise.

1.S3.I7.5  In the event of an attendance based dismissal, an appeals process may move through the Judiciary Committee, who shall affirm or deny the judgment of the Executive Board, passing the final verdict in accordance the Constitution

1.S3.I7.6  The committee is responsible for ensuring that all members of BSG are in full compliance with the BSG Constitution, Bylaws, and Robert’s Rules of Order at all times.

Item VIII: Public Relations Board

1.S3.I8.1  Shall consist of the 4 Class Vice Presidents and the Vice President of Administration.

1.S3.I8.2  The purpose of this board is to act as the informational link between BSG and the student body.

1.S3.I8.3  The Committee Chair (VP of Administration) is responsible for publicizing, along with the Vice President of Operations, all BSG elections.

1.S3.I8.4  Publishing BSG events in initiatives via media outlets such as table tents, the ELC LCD screen, social media accounts, etc.

1.S3.I8.5  This board will have the power to publish directly to major publications (the Bucknellian, BSG Website, Daily Item, without approval from Congress by a 3/5 vote of Board Members.

Item IX: Student Organizational Review Board (ORB)

1.S3.I9.1  Shall consist of 3 Representatives and 3 Senators

1.S3.I9.2  The chair of this committee shall be the VP of Operations

1.S3.I9.3  The purpose of this committee is to act as the liaison between student organizations and BSG

1.S3.I9.4  This committee shall oversee the recognition and budget appointment of all student organizations

1.S3.I9.5  Shall work for the betterment and efficiency of all student organizations

1.S3.I9.6  Specific rules and duties are outlined by the ORB guidelines

1.S3.I9.7  Appointed members shall serve from the time they are appointed until the end of their graduating academic year.  If an appointed position is vacated, it must be filled by a new appointee.  These positions shall provide consistency and stability to assist newly elected members of ORB (including the VP of Operations, Representatives, and Senators).

Item X: Sustainability Committee

1.S3.I10.1  Shall consist of 3 Representatives, 3 Senators and 3 Appointed Members appointed by the Committee Chair through an application process

1.S3.I10.2  The purpose of this committee is to promote sustainability efforts on campus.  This may be related, but is not limited, to the promotion of: ecological health of campus and surrounding communities, fair and equitable societies, and responsible management of financial resources.

1.S3.I10.3  The committee shall act as a liaison between BSG, the President’s Sustainability Council, and the Bucknell Office of Campus Sustainability.

1.S3.I10.4  Appointed members shall serve from the time they are appointed until the end of their graduating academic year.  If an appointed position is vacated, it must be filled by a new appointee.  These positions shall provide consistency and stability to assist newly elected members of Sustainability (including the Chair, Representatives, and Senators).

1.S3.I10.5 The Chair of the Sustainability Committee or their designee (from the BSG Sustainability Committee) shall also serve as a Representative for the President’s Sustainability Council.

Section IV: Executive Board

1.S4.1  President

1.S4.2  Vice-President of Operations

1.S4.3  Vice-President of Administration

Section V: Executive Committee

1.S5.1  The Executive Committee, an advisory body, also serving as the Judiciary Committee, shall consist of the following members:

1.S5.2  The members of the Executive Board

1.S5.3  The Internal Committee chairs

1.S5.4  The President of each Class Congress

1.S5.5  Any others invited by the Committee

Section VI: Standing Committees

1.S6.1  Standing Committees are self-operating, and their budgets and programming decisions shall be determined internally by the members of that Committee in conjunction with their advisor.

1.S6.2  Changes to the bylaws or other governing materials of BSG standing committees are subject to the approval of the BSG Congress. Changes are required to receive a simple majority vote from Congress to take effect

1.S6.3  Typical annual grants that benefit the entire campus community are given to the Concert and Lectureship Committees.

Item I: Concert Committee

1.S6.I1  The Bucknell Concert Committee is a student committee with the primary goal of bringing well known, high profile bands and artists to campus each semester.

Item II: Lectureship Committee

1.S6.I2  The Bucknell Student Lectureship Committee encourages high quality engaging speakers to come to Bucknell University and provide the Bucknell community access to speakers concerning a wide array of topics.

Article II: Duties

Section I: Senators

2.S1.1  Senators shall sit on and serve as voting members of the BSG Congress, on one Congressional Committee, and on their Class Congress.

2.S1.2  Senators are appointed to one of the Congressional Committees at the beginning of their term by the BSG VP of Operations.

2.S1.3  Senators may express a preference to sitting on a particular Committee, but ultimately the decision rests with the Executive Board.

2.S1.4  If a Senator wishes to change committees, they must engage in a one for one switch where both members agree to change places. The VP of Operations must be notified of this change.

2.S1.5  Senators shall express the concerns of their constituencies to the Congress and, in turn, relate the proceedings of the Congress back to their constituencies.

2.S1.6  Although Senators are responsible first to their respective class members, they shall also represent the interests of the student body as a whole.

2.S1.7  Senators shall uphold and adhere to the BSG Attendance Policy.

2.S1.8  Senators shall present themselves in a professional manner when representing BSG at any external committee meeting.

2.S1.9  Certain meetings may call for professional attire.  Unacceptable clothing typically includes jeans, workout attire, T-shirts or tank tops, nightclub attire, torn or stained clothing, or sandals.

Section II: Class Officers

2.S2.1  Each of the Class Officers shall assume the following duties in addition to their Senator duties.

Item I: Class President

2.S2.I1.1  To call and preside over the meetings of the Class Congress.

2.S2.I1.2  To set the class meeting agenda.

2.S2.I1.3  To act as a liaison between the respective class and the Executive Committee.

2.S2.I1.4  Class Presidents will not hold voting positions or have attendance on congressional committees.

Item II: Class Vice-President

2.S2.I2.1  To assume the duties of the Class President in their absence.

2.S2.I2.2  To assume the role of acting Class President in the President’s vacancy but is not obligated to assume the title for the remainder of the term.

2.S2.I2.3  To promote the Class Congress’s activities through class specific social media.

2.S2.I2.4  To sit as a voting member on the Public Relations Board.

Item III: Class Secretary/Treasurer

2.S2.I3.1  To keep account of all financial transactions and information for the Class Congress.

2.S2.I3.2  To compile, distribute, and publish meeting minutes for the Class Congress.

2.S2.I3.3  To assume the role of acting Class Vice President in the Vice President’s vacancy but is not obligated to assume the title for the remainder of the term.

Section III: Representatives

2.S3.1  Representatives shall sit on and serve as voting members of the BSG Congress and one other Congressional Committee.

2.S3.2  Representatives are elected to one of the Congressional Committees at the beginning of their term by the student body.

2.S3.3  Representatives may not change committees midway through their term.

2.S3.4 Although Representatives are responsible first to their respective Internal Committee, they shall also represent the interests of the student body as a whole.

2.S3.5  Representatives shall uphold and adhere to the BSG Attendance Policy.

2.S3.6  Representatives shall present themselves in a professional manner when representing BSG at any external committee meeting.

2.S3.6  Certain meetings may call for professional attire.  Unacceptable clothing typically includes jeans, workout attire, T-shirts or tank tops, nightclub attire, torn or stained clothing, and sandals.

Section IV: Committee Chairs

2.S4.1  Scheduling meetings in concordance with the bylaws of BSG.

2.S4.2  Setting a committee agenda and running meetings.

2.S4.3  Distributing committee work among its members.

2.S4.4  Sitting on the Executive Committee.

2.S4.5  Giving reports of committee activity, accomplishments, and results of inquiry to the Executive Board and Congress at each respective meeting.

Section V: Executive Board

Item I: President

2.S5.I1.1  To call and preside over Executive Board, Executive Committee, and Congress meetings.

2.S5.I1.2  The President will relinquish the Chair to the VP-Operations when personal involvement impedes objectivity.

2.S5.I1.3  The President may also delegate power to the VP-Operations if they see fit.

2.S5.I1.4  To act as a liaison between the student body and the faculty, staff, and administration.

2.S5.I1.5  To serve as an official liaison to the Board of Trustees.

2.S5.I1.6  To attend all faculty meetings, or to designate a member of the Executive Board to attend in their place.

2.S5.I1.7  To ensure open communication between BSG, the student body, and the student newspaper.

2.S5.I1.8  To ensure open communication between BSG and the President and Vice-Presidents of the University.

2.S5.I1.9  To ensure open communication between BSG and the Dean of Students.

2.S5.I1.10  To monitor all actions of the faculty and administration to ensure students’ rights are preserved.

2.S5.I1.11  To hold office hours for three hours per week to be available for the student body.

2.S5.I1.12  To sit on the Finance Committee.

2.S5.I1.13 To attend all University Council Meetings.

2.S5.I1.14 To perform any other pertinent duty that requires their action.

Item II: Vice-President of Operations

2.S5.I2.1  To assume the duties of the President in their absence.

2.S5.I2.2  To assume the title of BSG President in the event that the office is vacated and they so choose.

2.S5.I2.3  To chair the Election At-Large Committee and aid in conducting all BSG general elections with the aid and oversight of the Judiciary Committee.

2.S5.I2.4  To appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, Congress members to special University Committees and Task Forces.

2.S5.I2.5  To oversee student organization recognition procedures as the chair of the Student ORB Committee.

2.S5.I2.6  To act, in conjunction with the Vice President of Administration and the Public Relations Board, on publicizing the events and activities of BSG and BSG-sponsored groups to the student body.

2.S5.I2.7  To hold office hours three hours per week in order to be available for the student body.

2.S5.I2.8  To sit on the Finance Committee, the Committee on Campus and Student Life and to serve on or appoint a member of Congress to the L&IT Student Advisory Group and the University Committee of Planning and Budgeting.

2.S5.I2.9  To send out a Google Form to the Student Body at the beginning of the Fall semester for the purpose of collecting feedback on the state of the Executive Board of BSG. This will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and BSG advisors. 

2.S5.I2.10 To send out a Google Form to the Student Body at the beginning of the Spring semester for the purpose of collecting feedback on the state of the Class Congri and Committee Members of BSG. This will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and BSG advisors. 

2.S5.I2.11 To perform any other pertinent duty that requires their action.

Item III: Vice-President of Administration

2.S5.I3.1  To compile, distribute, and publish meeting minutes for the BSG Congress.

2.S5.I3.2  To announce and inform all Congress members of meetings, and to distribute agendas and minutes well in advance of the meeting.

2.S5.I3.3  To keep and supervise BSG files.

2.S5.I3.4  To release and/or distribute information of BSG activities to the campus-wide community.

2.S5.I3.5  To contact all Congress members when removed or when in danger of being removed, in accordance with the BSG Attendance Policy.

2.S5.I3.6  To keep and publish a running BSG membership list, and to maintain a current membership list of all BSG recognized groups.

2.S5.I3.7  To act as a chair to the Public Relations Board

2.S5.I3.8  To hold office hours one hour a day, three days a week in order to be available for the student body.

2.S5.I3.9  To sit on the Finance Committee, and Downtown Student Advisory Board.

2.S5.I3.10  To be responsible for and oversee the use of all media tools including, but not limited to, public websites, Bucknell internal sites, online tools, and screens.

2.S5.I3.11 To create a monthly newsletter to distribute to the student body compiling updates from each Senate and Committee and summarizing resolutions passed.

Section VI: Compensated Positions

2.S6.1  In order to hold a compensated position within BSG, potential candidates will complete an application process at the end of the spring semester.

2.S6.2  Following the conclusion of the application process, the judiciary committee will review applications and recommend candidates for interviews.

2.S6.3  The Executive Board, Accounts Managers, and BSG Advisor will then conduct the interviews.

2.S6.4  The Executive Board and Accounts Managers will elect the candidate through a majority vote. In the case of a tie the Finance Committee will have the deciding vote through majority approval.

2.S6.5  The following will be a paid position that operates in conjunction with the BSG Executive Board and Congress.

2.S6.6  This agreement can be terminated via the following process: The Finance Committee or Congress must submit a formal, written request to the Executive Board, who will then present the request to Congress at a subsequent meeting. A 2/3 majority vote by Congress will terminate the agreement.

2.S6.7  In the case of an appeal, the Judiciary Committee will make the final judgment through a 3/4-majority vote.

Item I: Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

2.S6.I1.1  To oversee all financial transactions of BSG.

2.S6.I1.2  To manage and publish the budgets of all BSG-funded organizations.

2.S6.I1.3  To compile and report financial information from all groups who receive funds from the BSG Finance Committee to the student body.

2.S6.I1.4 To chair the Finance Committee and to attend or appoint a member of Congress to the University Committee of Planning and Budgeting.

2.S6.I1.5  To maintain open communication between the BSG Finance Committee and the University Office of the Treasurer.

2.S6.I1.6  To ensure effective management of all student funds.

2.S6.I1.7  To publish, prior to summer vacation, the amount of funds received by each organization that appeared before the Finance Committee during Spring Appropriations.

2.S6.I1.8  To hold office hours one hour a day, three days a week in order to be available for the student body. One of the three office hours each week must be in conjunction with the Accounts Managers.

2.S6.I1.9  To hold an annual information meeting, at least two weeks prior to the date budgets are due, with student organization treasurers in order to inform them of their responsibilities and the process they need to go through to receive funding.

2.S6.I1.10  To attend all meetings of Congress and present any and all updates on the BSG budget and most recent allocations.

2.S6.I1.11  To perform any other pertinent duty that requires their action.

Article III: Elections

Section I: Dates

Item I: Early Fall Elections

3.S1.I1.1  Shall take place no later than the third week of the first semester.

3.S1.I1.2  Results shall be presented no later than 24 hours after the polls close.

3.S1.I1.3  Shall consist of elections for all 60 seats in Congress.

Item II: Late Fall Elections

3.S1.I2.1  Shall take place no more than one week prior to the beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday.

3.S1.I2.2  Positions will be in effect between the last day of classes of the Fall Semester and the last day of classes of the following Fall Semester.

3.S1.I2.3  Shall consist of the election of the Executive Board (President, Vice-President Operations, and Administration).

3.S1.I2.4  Candidates participating in Late Fall Elections are required to give remarks during a debate/open forum process and answer questions from the student body.

3.S1.I2.4.1  This event will be held in a public venue, and must be made open to the campus.

Item III: Spring Elections

3.S1.I3.1  Shall take place within two weeks of the start of the spring semester.

3.S1.I3.2  Shall be used only when vacancies arise from members’ vacating their roles after the fall semester.

3.S1.I3.3  Committee assignments for newly elected members after January elections will fill the seat that had been vacated in the fall.  Any changes or exceptions can be made by the Vice President of Operations as deemed necessary.

Item IV: Mid-Semester Vacancies

3.S1.I4.1  If a seat in Congress becomes vacant before the fifth week of the semester, the Vice President of Operations may initiate an application process to fill that seat, if deemed necessary and appropriate by the Executive Board.

3.S1.I4.2  The application process should be managed fairly and equitably by the Vice President of Operations and the Chair of the Committee of President of the class with the vacant position.

Section II: Postings

3.S2.1  Dates of the elections shall be posted via email and announced through proper media venues.

3.S2.2  Candidates’ names appearing on each ballot must be posted via email and announced through the proper media venues.

Section III: Results

3.S3.1  The candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected into the position for which they previously preferenced.

3.S3.2  Candidates may run for no more than two positions per election. However, candidates may not run for two executive level positions in any one election.

3.S3.3  In the case that a candidate runs for two positions and receives the most votes for both, they shall be placed in the position which they preferenced within their statement of intent.

3.S3.4  In the case where there is more than one opening for the same office, the corresponding number of candidates with the highest total votes shall be elected into those positions.

3.S3.5  In the case of a tie for any one position, a runoff will be held for the two candidates where the electorate votes. The resulting winner of this vote shall be placed into the corresponding position.

Section IV: Election At-Large Committee

3.S4.1 An Election At-Large Committee will be formed at the beginning of every academic year to oversee the fall, spring, and Executive Board elections.

3.S4.2 This committee should consist of the incumbent VP of Operations, the Chief Financial Officer, and 3 members of the student body who are selected by the incumbent Executive Board through a formal application process and are not running for elected positions. Selection preference should be given to a diverse group of students from different class years and communities (e.g. Greek affiliations, athletic affiliations).

3.S4.3 The committee is responsible for holding campaign guidelines meetings, establishing a direct reporting system for guidelines violations, deliberating any reported violations, issuing any consequences for election violations, moderating public debates and “Meet the Candidates” events, and communicating elections and guidelines to the student body (advertising, emails, tabling, etc.).

Article IV: Meetings

4.1  The BSG Congress shall meet at a regular time on a weekly basis. The time and place of the meetings shall be determined and established by the President at the first meeting of each semester.

4.2  The Executive Board shall meet at a regular time prior to each weekly Congress meeting, at least bi-weekly.

4.3  The Executive Committee shall meet at a regular time on at least a bi-weekly basis.

4.4  The Congressional Committees shall meet at a regular time at least once a week, at the discretion of the Committee Chair.

4.5  The Class Congress shall meet at a regular time at least once a week, at the discretion of the Class President.

4.6  Meeting times and locations shall be determined within one week of a completed committee. The Executive Board must be notified when a schedule is finalized.

4.7  The presiding officer may change the time or place of a meeting or cancel a meeting or call an additional meeting in the event of an emergency if additional meeting time is needed to complete relevant tasks.

Section I: Attendance

4.S1.1  Any congress member who accumulates more than three (3) unexcused absences in the committees in which they serve or at Congress in one (1) academic year will be considered in violation of the BSG Bylaws. This will subject the member to the BSG Removal policies as stated in Article IV, Section III of the BSG Constitution.

4.S1.2 Any congress member who does not participate in all voting procedures during a congressional meeting will be considered in violation of the BSG Bylaws. This will result in an absence from the meeting, and will be counted towards the attendance policy outlined in 4.S1.1.

4.S1.3  These three absences apply to each specific Committee that the individual is an active member of and Congress. Three absences apply specifically to Congress attendance and attendance at the following: Academic Committee, Advocacy Committee, Community Committee, Diversity Committee, Finance Committee, Judiciary Committee, Sustainability Committee, and Public Relations Board, Executive Committee, and External Committees.

4.S1.4. Congress members in violation of this policy will be called into the Executive Board where special circumstances will be taken into account. If a student is removed from BSG due to a violation of the attendance policy, they will be ineligible to run for any position the following semester.

Section II: Debate

4.S2.1  Upon presentation of a resolution from a committee or class, Congress will be able to address said presenter with questions regarding the resolution.

4.S2.1.1  Committee chairs, class presidents, or members of the Executive Board must be the presenters of resolutions.  A representative or senator may co-present.  In the case that the chair or class president is absent from congress, an appointed member of their committee/senate may present on the group’s behalf.

4.S2.1.2  A senator or representative can present on behalf of the Executive Committee, should the Executive Committee approve of this by a 2/3 vote.

4.S2.2  After all questions have been addressed; there can be a motion for a period of at least two minutes to caucus with fellow members if approved by 2/3 of congress present (minus abstainers).

4.S2.3  If members of the public are present and would like to comment, they can speak on the motion for a maximum of two minutes each.  The President has the power to conclude or extend public comment should appropriate circumstances present themselves.

4.S2.4  Upon completion of caucusing, the President shall reconvene the Congress. Debate on the resolution shall then occur, with all members given sufficient time in order to express their thoughts.

4.S2.5  Upon completion of debate, which shall not be limited, motions may arise to table, deny, amend, or approve said resolution.

Section III: Congress Agenda

The weekly BSG Congress Meeting Agenda will be presented in the following format:

  • Presentation or Guest Speakers
  • Roll Call
  • Call to Order
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Public Comments
  • Old Business 
  • New Business
  • Executive Board Reports
  • Congressional Committee Reports
  • Class Congress Reports
  • External Committee Reports
  • Campus Pulse (Events
  • Advisor Comments
  • Adjournment

The items of the weekly BSG Congress Meeting Agenda can differ at the will of the Executive Board. The Executive Board can add and subtract topics from the meeting as deemed pertinent and/or necessary.